Man carries Basket In the turmoil of the KR market in the South Indian metropolis Bangalore this man spotted me while taking pictures of him. The discoloration of the surroundings gives the picture a little more calmness and enables the viewer's eye to focus on the man and his basket.
Vietnamese Children
Alexander Maxelon2019-06-27T05:09:38+02:00Vietnamese Children On the streets of the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi you can discover a lot. But not only I as a tourist am looking for interesting things, also these three children look out of the door and are observing the actions outside.
Girl in Pyjamas
Alexander Maxelon2019-06-26T17:09:10+02:00Girl in Pyjamas In the middle of a busy street in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, this girl walked passed me with her groceries, which she carried in two large plastic bags.
Laughing Vietnamese Woman
Alexander Maxelon2019-09-07T14:25:30+02:00Laughing Vietnamese Woman In February 2018, in the rice fields of Vietnam, I met this elderly lady who was beaming with joy. Sometimes, as in this case, it is not necessary to speak a common language to communicate with each other.